Construction – Chinese Style

Street Workers

Street Workers

I was amused by these two street workers painting a thick line across the street in busy traffic. As cars were waiting at a red light, they knocked on their doors, making a shooing motion, as if the stuck cars could move sideways. Considering the amount of construction in the city – no where else I’ve been comes close – it is surprising that I’ve never seen a road closed down. The cars moved after I took the picture, leaving one worker happily painting his line and the other sulking with his hands in his pockets, waiting for the the next car to pick a fight with.



The existence of barriers between the public and construction projects is rare. I walk by this site every day in my 15-minute walking commute. One day, there will be a bulldozer. The next day, it will be replaced by a cement mixer, etc.



Construction always surrounds you in this booming city. Under the Levi’s sign, a guy is breaking up the sidewalk with a jackhammer. Also, note the wide load motorcycle dodging the unsuspecting couple.

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2 Responses to Construction – Chinese Style

  1. Chris says:

    it’s parked…

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